Do you know what is the MTS Full Form? The full form of MTS is Multi-Tasking Staff. This abbreviation is also known as the Staff Selection Commission exam for Multi-Tasking Staff (SSC MTS). The SSC MTS exam is a highly sought-after exam in India. It is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates for various government departments and organizations.
Table of Contents
What is the MTS Full Form?
MTS Full Form – Multi-Tasking Staff
Roles and Responsibilities of MTS
SSC MTS personnel are responsible for carrying out a variety of tasks in various government departments and organizations. Some of their responsibilities include:
- Office maintenance: SSC MTS personnel are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the office premises.
- Clerical work: They are also responsible for handling clerical work such as filing, record-keeping, and data entry.
- Housekeeping: SSC MTS personnel may also be responsible for housekeeping duties, such as ensuring that the equipment and furniture are in good condition.
- Assistance to Other Staff: They may also assist other staff members in carrying out their duties.
Importance of MTS
SSC MTS personnel are an essential part of any government department or organization. They perform tasks that are critical to the daily operations of an organization, such as maintaining cleanliness, handling clerical work, and providing valuable support to other staff members. Without SSC MTS personnel, the smooth functioning of an organization would be impossible.
Eligibility Criteria for MTS Exam
Age Limit
The age limit for the SSC MTS exam is 18-25 years. However, there is a relaxation in the age limit for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
Educational Qualifications
The candidate must have passed class 10th or matriculation from a recognized board or university to be eligible for the SSC MTS exam.
Nationality and Citizenship
The candidate must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal, Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962.
Syllabus and Exam Pattern for SSC MTS Exam
The syllabus for the SSC MTS exam includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General Awareness, and English Language.
Exam Pattern
The SSC MTS exam consists of two papers – Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is objective in nature and tests the candidate’s General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, General Awareness, and English Language. Paper II is a descriptive type exam in which candidates have to write an essay/letter or complete a paragraph in English/Hindi.
Marking Scheme
Paper I carries a total of 100 marks, and each question carries one mark. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted. Paper II carries a total of 50 marks, and the marks obtained in Paper I are considered for the final selection.
Salary Structure of MTS
The salary structure of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) in the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) varies according to the location of the job. The basic pay scale for Pay Band-1 is between Rs 18000to Rs 22000. The grade pay for Multi-Tasking Staff is Rs 1800.

Other MTS Full Forms
If you want to know more about other full forms of MTS Word see the below table:
Term | Full Form | Category |
MTS | Multi-Tasking Staff | Government |
MTS | Money Transactions System | Accounts and Finance |
MTS | Manzini (mbabane) | Airport Code |
MTS | Multi-touch Switch | Computer Hardware |
MTS | Modular Time System | Computer Hardware |
MTS | Mobile TeleSystems | Company Name |
MTS | Methodology of Test Suites | Computer and Networking |
MTS | Methods for Testing and Specification (ETSI TC) | Computer and Networking |
MTS | Master of Theological Studies | Educational Degree |
MTS | Medium Temperature System | Electronics |
MTS | Material Tracking Standard | Electronics |
MTS | Member of The Technical Staff | Job Title |
MTS | Metric Ton of Styrofoam | Measurement Unit |
MTS | Meters | Measurement Unit |
MTS | Moored Training Ship | Military and Defence |
MTS | Mission Teams Specialist | Military and Defence |
MTS | Multi-Tank Syndrome | Military and Defence |
MTS | Mechanical Testing and Simulation | Military and Defence |
MTS | Masked Target Sensor | Military and Defence |
MTS | Movement Tracking System | Military and Defence |
MTS | Marine Tactical System | Military and Defence |
MTS | Modernization Through Spares | Military and Defence |
MTS | Message Telecommunications Service | Military and Defence |
MTS | Message Transfer Service | Networking |
MTS | Multi Threaded Server | Networking |
MTS | Merlin Tube Specification | Physics Related |
MTS | Momentum Throttle Slide | Physics Related |
MTS | Muffin Tin Surface | Physics Related |
MTS | Mission Training School | Space Science |
MTS | Magnetic Tape System | Space Science |
MTS | Master Timing System | Space Science |
MTS | Metric Time System | Space Science |
MTS | Mission Team Specialist | Space Science |
MTS | Millenium Theatre System | Softwares |
MTS | Microsoft Transaction Server | Softwares |
MTS | Mediocre Trading System | Stock Exchange |
MTS | Motion Technology Selectorized (life Fitness Product) | Sports |
MTS | Message Telephone Service | Telecommunication |
MTS | Manitoba Telephone System | Telecommunication |
MTS | Manitoba Telecom Services | Telecommunication |
FAQs- What Is The MTS Full Form?
Q.1. What is the MTS Full Form?
Ans. The full form of MTS is Multi-Tasking Staff.
Q.2. What is the MTS exam?
Ans. The MTS exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates for various government departments and organizations.
Q.3. What are the roles and responsibilities of MTS personnel?
Ans. MTS personnel are responsible for carrying out a variety of tasks in various government departments and organizations, including office maintenance, clerical work, housekeeping, and assistance to other staff.
Q.4. What is the salary of MTS?
Ans. The salary of MTS officer is 18000-22000 in initial stage.
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