Do you know what is the PMT Full Form? The full form of PMT is Pre Medical Test. The Pre-Medical Test (PMT) is a common entrance exam conducted in India for students who wish to pursue undergraduate medical and dental courses. The exam is conducted by various government and private medical colleges and universities. In this article, we will discuss the PMT full form, applications of PMT, eligibility criteria for the Pre-Medical Test, exam pattern of PMT, syllabus of PMT, rules of PMT, and the advantages and disadvantages of using PMT.
Table of Contents
What is the PMT Full Form?
PMT Full Form- Pre-Medical Test
It is an entrance exam conducted to select students for undergraduate medical and dental courses. The exam is conducted at the state or national level, depending on the college or university.
Another PMT Word Full Forms in Different Categories-
- PMT Full Form in Finance- Payment
- PMT Full Form in Excel- Payment
- PMT Full Form in Pharma- Product Management Team
- PMT Full Form in Police- Police Motor Transport
Applications of PMT
PMT is used for selecting students for various undergraduate medical and dental courses. The exam is conducted to select students for MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, and other related courses. The exam is conducted by various government and private medical colleges and universities. The exam is conducted in both online and offline modes.
Eligibility Criteria for Pre-Medical Test
To be eligible for the Pre-Medical Test, a student must have completed their 12th standard or equivalent examination. The student must have studied Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subjects. The minimum age limit for the exam is 17 years.
Exam Pattern of Pre-Medical Test
The exam pattern of PMT varies from college to college. However, the exam generally consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The exam duration is generally three hours. The number of questions and the marks allotted to each question also vary from college to college.
Syllabus of Pre-Medical Test
The syllabus of PMT generally covers the topics studied in the 11th and 12th standard Physics, Chemistry, and Biology textbooks. The syllabus includes topics such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, human anatomy, physiology, and genetics:
- Cell structure and function
- Diversity in living organisms
- Human physiology
- Plant physiology
- Structural organization in animals and plants
- Atomic structure
- Chemical bonding and molecular structure
- Chemical equilibrium
- Chemical kinetics
- Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
- Coordination compounds
- d and f block elements
- Environmental chemistry
- Hydrogen
- p-block elements
- Redox reactions and electrochemistry
- s-block elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)
- States of Matter
- Surface chemistry
- Thermochemistry
- The behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
- Gravitation
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
- The motion of systems of particles and rigid body
- Oscillations and waves
- Physical world and measurement
- Properties of bulk matter
- Thermodynamics
- Work, energy, and power
Rules of Pre-Medical Test
The rules of PMT vary from college to college. However, some general rules include the use of a black or blue ballpoint pen to mark the answer sheet, the prohibition of any electronic devices, and the requirement to carry a valid photo ID proof.
Advantages and Disadvantages of using PMT
One of the advantages of adopting PMT having a fair and open selection process. It makes sure that only worthy candidates are chosen for medical and dentistry programmes. Also, it aids in uniformizing the selection procedure throughout different institutions and universities.
The fact that employing PMT places so much pressure on pupils to perform well on the exam is one of its drawbacks. Also, it causes students to experience a great deal of stress and worry, which is bad for their mental health.

Other PMT Full Forms List
Term | Full Form | Category |
PMT | Pre Medical Test | Entrance Exam |
PMT | Photomultiplier Tube | Academic |
PMT | Paramakotoi | Airport Code |
PMT | Priority Management Tool | Business Management |
PMT | Product Management Team | Business Management |
PMT | Program Management Team | Computer and Networking |
PMT | Program Map Table | Database Management |
PMT | Pressuremeter | Earth Science |
PMT | Photo-multiplier Tube | Electronics |
PMT | PULLAMPET | Indian Railway Station |
PMT | Personal Motivating Time | Job Title |
PMT | Project Management Team | Military and Defence |
PMT | Personal Mathematics Tutorial | Maths |
PMT | Peering Mapping Table | Networking |
PMT | Photo Multiplier Tube | Physics Related |
PMT | Page Management Table | Softwares |
PMT | Planning/Management Team | Space Science |
PMT | Production Monitoring Test | Space Science |
PMT | Packaging Machinery Technology | Technology |
PMT | Pune Municipal Transport | Transport |
In conclusion, Pre Medical Test (PMT) is an entrance exam conducted for selecting students for various undergraduate medical and dental courses. The exam is conducted by various government and private medical colleges and universities. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The syllabus of PMT covers the topics studied in the 11th and 12th standard Physics, Chemistry, and Biology textbooks. The advantages of using PMT include a fair and transparent selection process, while the disadvantages include pressure and stress on students.
FAQs- What Is The PMT Full Form?
What is PMT?
PMT stands for Pre Medical Test. It is an entrance exam conducted for selecting students for undergraduate medical and dental courses.
What are the eligibility criteria for PMT?
To be eligible for PMT, a student must have completed their 12th standard or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subjects. The minimum age limit for the exam is 17 years.
What is the exam pattern for PMT?
The exam pattern for PMT varies from college to college. However, the exam generally consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The exam duration is generally three hours.
What is the syllabus for PMT?
The syllabus of PMT generally covers the topics studied in the 11th and 12th standard Physics, Chemistry, and Biology textbooks. The syllabus includes topics such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, human anatomy, physiology, and genetics.
What is PMT Full Form in Hotel Industry?
PMT stands for “Planning/Management Team.” PMT, or Property Management Team, denotes a collective of individuals within a hotel or hospitality company tasked with planning and overseeing diverse aspects of the business.
What is PMT Full Form in Banquet?
In the context of banquets or event planning, “PMT” typically stands for “Per Meal Ticket” or “Per Meal Token.” It refers to a system where attendees are provided with a specific ticket or token for each meal they are entitled to during the event.
What is PMT Full Form in ophthalmology test for Eye?
The Post Mydriatic Test (PMT) is employed in older children a few days after cycloplegic refraction to fine-tune the refraction subjectively.
What is PMT Full Form in Pharma?
PMT stands for Product Management Team, and in the pharmaceutical industry, the Brand Management Department is commonly referred to as the PMT department.
What is PMT Full Form in financial management
A Personal Management Trust (PMT) is a specific arrangement designed for individuals seeking to safeguard or enhance their assets to meet the present or future requirements of the trustor and/or their beneficiaries.
What is PMT Full Form in Computer
“PMT” stands for “payment”, hence the function’s name.
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